Digraphs, Dags, and Trees in Java

Graphs are a collection of nodes connected by edges. Programmers run into graphs fairly regularly because almost any collection of things with binary relationships can be viewed as a graph. As practitioners we need to understand both graph theory (abstract structures) and graph data structures (concrete representations).

Three common families of graphs are:

This article looks at digraphs, dags, and trees from a programmer’s perspective. Where do we see them in practice? How can we recognize them? What can we do with them?

This article also includes a Java library for working with digraphs, dags, and trees. The library code is available at https://github.com/stevewedig/blog and is published to Maven for easy usage as a dependency. This is the third in a series of Java libraries I’m sharing on this blog. The first two were:

Article Outline

  1. Digraphs (directed graphs)
  2. Dags (directed-acyclic graphs)
  3. Trees
  4. A Java library for digraphs, dags, and trees
  5. Other Java graph libraries

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A Software Developer’s Reading List

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

Many of the best software developers have T-Shaped Skills: Deep expertise in programming and software development, and broad knowledge of diverse areas including testing, DevOps, UX design, team organization, customer interaction, and their domain areas. While there is unfortunately no substitute for experience, reading is probably the next best thing. Over the past 10 years I’ve read a lot in an effort to deepen and broaden my knowledge as a software developer. Along the way I’ve been organizing books and concepts into the reading list I share below. I have been trying to design a core curriculum for “modern” software development by asking myself:

  • What core concepts are required to be a world class software developer?
  • What is the best book for introducing and teaching each concept?

The result is a list of 16 essential software development concepts presented by 16 excellent books.

(Note: This post was written in 2014, so it doesn’t consider books written since then.)

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